B&G proudly supports the communities in which we work.
Blaine & González, LLC values partnerships with the local communities we serve.
Should you like to nominate your enterprise for enrollment in our Civic Support Program, please contact us for further information on program requirements and benefits.
We custom-tailor each relationship to get the community organizations the resources they need for their language services project of their choice.
Waltham Police Department, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA.
Blaine & González, LLC is proud to sponsor the brave men and women of the Waltham Police Department. Our firm's original office was opened in Waltham in 2010. Our team is proud to sponsor Chief MacPherson's law enforcement efforts in the Watch City. We are grateful to Waltham Police for being counted among their preferred vendors. A hearty thanks to Chief MacPherson and to all of the officers for your dedicated public service.

US Embassy - Harare, Zimabwe
B&G is proud to have partnered with the US Embassy in Harare to explore new business opportunities on the African Continent.
Our main contribution has been to open never-before accessible trade routes with Zimbabwe through a joint effort among private enterprise, government, and the GSA.
B&G foresees a long and fruitful relationship vetting business interests wishing to enter the African continent via Zimbabwe.

Strategic Partnership: Hardel, Inc.
Hardel, Inc. specializes in the development of language tools and components: Multilingual Lexicography, Linguistic Tools, Transcription, Linguistic Data Management, Name tagging, building of monolingual and parallel corpora, and syntax/grammar related work. It also handles large translation projects.
The firm's native speaker linguists cover several languages, including: Modern Standard Arabic, various Arabic dialects (Yemeni- Lebanese- Syrian- Palestinian- Egyptian, etc.), Kurdish, Persian, Pashtu, Urdu, Hindi & other languages (including European languages).
B&G has partnered with Hardel, Inc. to bring your firm, university, or enterprise the top-flight language services it deserves in these high-demand languages.